Southern Expressway Duplication

About the Project
The $407.5 million duplication of the Southern Expressway is a key part of the development of Adelaide's north-south corridor and delivers an 18.5 kilometre multi-lane, two-way expressway between Bedford Park and Old Noarlunga. The project was complete in 2014 by Lend Lease (formerly Baulderstone Abi Group Joint Venture).
Jamtek Structural were engaged to initially construct the extensions to the three existing multi-steel plate culverts for storm water and the shared user path to transverse under the roadway. Jamtek were then further engaged to construct the Seacombe Rd and Sturt River bridges. The Seacombe Rd bridge was particularly difficult to build as it required the propping and demolition of the existing abutment and bridge deck in order to extend its length.