Hargrave St Pump Station Project

About the Project
The City of Port Adelaide Enfield appointed Leed to construct the Hargrave Street Pump Station in early 2014 through to June 2015. The project was designed to improve the stormwater drainage network in order to minimise flooding of streets and properties in the Peterhead, Birkenhead and Largs Bay area into the future.
Jamtek Structural undertook the FRP package to complete the pump station walls, baffles, distribution slabs, capping beam, floors and roof. This project was one of the most technically difficult projects Jamtek has undertaken. The construction methodology for the pump station required single sided formwork to be secured by chem-setting formwork ties into the piles.
Jamtek completed on site pullout testing of formwork ties chem-set into the pile walls, in order to have accurate data for our temporary works engineer.