Coast 2 Coast Light Rail Stage 2 Project

About the Project
Jamtek was engaged to demolish the parapets surrounding the existing Gaol Rd Bridge in order to infill the void between the two road lane ways in order to allow the tram line to run in between. This involved creating a new bridge pier to which involved coring over 300 holes into the existing footing and piers which were part of the original design, on the provision that the bridge might someday be filled in. Bridge planks were then laid on top of the redesigned and constructed abutments and beams then the bridge was ready for the tram line placement.
Jamtek were also engaged to complete the redesigning of the Pt Rd bridge adjacent to the old West end Brewery, this involved removing the precast median strip and then inserting a steel beam on the existing abutments, the deck was then constructed, thus allowing the tram line to pass in between.
Other parts of the project included a 200 metre long retaining wall, the placement of over ten large footings to support the Gantries, concrete works to all the tram stations, timber pedestrian decks on either side of the Pt Rd bridge to which all the timber was brought in raw and machined onsite, as well as a bluestone wall along the entry to the West Parklands.